Free Live Trial

You can try the full version of Farm Matters including the all the full CTS functionality live for free with no obligation. Simply download and install Farm Matters. Follow the setup wizard to get you up and running and use the CTS web services to populate your on farm cattle. You will need your CTS user ID (formatted as NNN-NNN-NNN) and password.
Download Farm Matters


"We have used the Farm Matters system for many years and highly recommend the program for it's simplicity and efficiency in managing our cattle & sheep livestock records." Andrew Atkinson Livestock


Farm Matters has no upfront cost. We offer a fully supported subscription service where everything is included, Cattle, Sheep, Crops, Medicines with lots of management functionality. All for a single annual subscription charge, no hidden charges, no hassle!

Only £258 pa + VAT

Cattle Tracing Service (CTS)

Farm Matters has vast experience communicating with CTS having worked with them since the initial release of CTS Web Services many years ago. It is through our continued commitment to CTS that we can offer:

Farm Matters Cattle Tracing System Summary CTS Notifications - Simply enter your birth, movements and deaths into Farm Matters using the easy to follow wizards. After you've entered your events they are automatically added to the CTS summary screen which shows the actions which need completing such as submitting applications or checking you've received the passports from BCMS. If you have have birth, movement or death applications which need sending all you need to do is click the send buttons. It couldn't be easier!

Farm Matters Cattle CTS Cross Check CTS Cross Check - While keeping accurate records at all times is imperative it is inevitable, given the heavy demands of cattle farming, that mistakes will happen. The last thing you want it to be inspected and any little mistakes to come to light, this is where the CTS cross checks can really save you. The cross check downloads your cattle on farm from CTS and compare this data with your records. It checks:

  • On farm cattle lists match
  • Ear tag format differences
  • Breed differences
  • Sex differences
  • Date of birth differences
  • CTWS queried cattle
  • CTWS queried movements
Farm Matters Cattle CTS Differences All the results are fully printable in addition to a printable summary receipt. Correcting your records when the eartag format, breed, sex or date of birth are wrong is easy using the built in cross check editor. Click the edit button next to the entry, make the change and click save, job done. The CTS Cross Check combined with all the validation done by Farm Matters on all cattle details entered helps your records stay in the best possible shape.

Farm Matters Cattle Tracing System Receipt Receipts - For complete piece of mind Farm Matters keeps receipts and transaction logs for all communications with CTS. The receipt in particular is very popular and shows all the data send to CTS and some more besides. These receipts are fully printable.