Free Live Trial

You can try the full version of Farm Matters live free with no obligation. To get started simply download and install Farm Matters. Then follow the setup wizard to get you up and running. In order to populate your cattle or use the CTS web services you will need your CTS user ID (formatted as NNN-NNN-NNN) and password. Download Farm Matters


"We have used the Farm Matters program for our farm records now for many years . The regular updates keep the program abreast of regulatory requirements and simplify the record keeping which assists our farm management.

Improvements which we have suggested from time to time have been incorporated into the program and on the few occasions we need to call the attention and service is always immediate, personal and helpful." Donald Biggar
Messrs James Biggar


Farm Matters has no upfront cost. We offer a fully supported subscription service where everything is included, Cattle, Sheep, Crops, Medicines with lots of management functionality. All for a single annual subscription charge, no hidden charges, no hassle!

Only £258 pa + VAT

Cattle Software

Farm Matters is ideal for cattle record keeping and management with many features:

Farm Matters Cattle Record Card Cattle Record Keeping - Farm Matters allows farmers to record a wealth of legislative and management information in an intuitive and straight forward way. Entering cattle information is done using wizards that guide you through the process ensuring you enter the required mandatory details and highlighting where there are any problems with colour and explanations. After following the step by step wizard a summary is displayed to check you've not made any mistakes and options made available to print any helpful reports such as cattle transport or auction certificates. All cattle information entered can be easily edited or deleted.

Farm Matters Cattle Listing Cattle Performance Management - Keeping the required cattle records is important but Farm Matters does so much more. Financial, weight, conditioning scores and feed are some of the cattle performance data you can enter into Farm Matters. This data is used by the software to produce reports, charts, statistics and highlight what is happening to your cattle. The cattle grid can highlight when a cow is due to calf, hasn't calved recently, which cattle are under medicine withdrawal and more. The home screen include many tiles giving a summary of your cattle including alerts for things including those eligible for assurance. Reports and charts clearly show daily live weight gain, calving intervals, profitability, calf mortality rate and more.

Farm Matters Cattle CTS Tile Cattle Tracing Service - Connectivity to the British Cattle Movement Service's (BCMS) Cattle Tracing System (CTS) Farm Matters makes applying for passports and notifying movements as easy as a single click. Simply enter your cattle birth/movement records into the software using the easy step-by-step wizards and the application will automatically be added to the list of pending submissions. When you are ready a single click is all that is needed to notify CTS. Farm Matters clearly displays what is happening and allows you to print a comprehensive receipt. In addition to notifying CTS of your cattle births/movements Farm Matters includes a 'Cross Check' feature. The Cross Check feature compares the details of the animals on your farm against the records held on CTS. An simple colour coded summary displays any dependencies between the records. This can be a real lifesaver before an inspection. For more details about how Farm Matters communicates with CTS click here...

Farm Matters Cattle Reports Cattle Reports - Ranging from reports for cattle inspections such as the movement book to detailed weight analysis reports Farm Matters can produce a wealth of reports. In addition you can create your own reports by customising and printing the cattle grids. A print preview is shown before any cattle report is printed with options to export the report to PDF, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel formats. Some of the many reports Farm Matters can produce include:

Cattle Movement Book Movement Book
Cattle Weight Analysis Report Weight Analysis
Cattle Weight Analysis Report Progeny Report
Cattle Job Sheet Job Sheet
Cattle Profit Analysis Report Profit Analysis
Cattle Calving Interval Report Calving Interval
Cattle On Farm At Stats On Farm Stats
Cattle TB Testing Sheet TB Testing Sheet
Cattle Profit Age Report Age Analysis
Cattle Genealogy Chart Report Genealogy Chart
Cattle Animal History Report Animal History
Cattle Medicine Book Medicine Book