Farm Matters Trial

You can try the full version of Farm Matters for your cattle, sheep, fields and NVZ live free with no obligation. To get started simply download and install Farm Matters. Download Farm Matters

Farm Matters Ltd

We are always happy to here from you, contact us via telephone or email.

Phone: 0191 3000 189

Microsoft .Net Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework Farm Matters runs on a Microsoft supplied framework called .NET Framework. Without the correct version of the Microsoft .NET Framework our software will fail to run and may display an error message. The minimum version of the .NET Framework required to run Farm Matters is Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2. Please note newer versions of the framework such as 4.7 or greater are backwards compatible so will support running our software. The Windows operating system you have will define which version of the .NET Framework is most suitable for you.

Windows XP - Unfortunately .NET Framework 4.6.2 does not support Windows XP
Windows Vista - Unfortunately .NET Framework 4.6.2 does not support Windows Vista
Windows 7 - Download .NET Framework version 4.6.2, (SP1 required)
Windows 8 - Please upgrade to Windows 8.1. Instructions can be found here
Windows 8.1 - Download .NET Framework version 4.7.2
Windows 10 - Download .NET Framework version 4.7.2